Personnel Personnel Unit

Basic Job, Authority and Responsibilities

Documents coming to our unit:
-The documents brought to our unit by the Documentation Unit are processed according to their content. For the articles that need to be answered, a corresponding letter is written addressing the institution to which they came.

- If the incoming document is a personnel petition; According to the subject requested in the petition, a response letter is written either to the relevant personnel or to the institution to which it should be sent.

Leave-report Transactions of the Personnel:

-When the personnel apply to our unit with a request for permission, a permission request form is extracted from the software program used by our institution. The personnel brings it back to our unit after signing the permission request form and having it approved by the relevant unit supervisors. After the incoming leave request form is processed into the ÇKYS system, it is removed to the personnel file of the personnel.

- Personnel who receive a report (rest report, delegation report, etc.) bring the report to our unit after having it approved by the manager responsible for it. After the report is registered in the software program and ÇKYS system of our Institution, it is attached to the personnel file of the personnel. The 30-day delegation reports are processed into the human resources form and sent to the general secretariat via e-mail. A photocopy of the 10-day rest reports received by the personnel is delivered to the salary trustee together with the list of the personnel with leave and report.

Our unit delivers the petitions of the personnel who want to take unpaid leave, congress leave, abroad leave or the printed forms they receive from the personnel, after they have the unit responsible approved and the document registration number is obtained. As the Personnel Unit, the relevant leave is processed in the software program and ÇKYS system of our hospital by obtaining the approval of the chief physician.

  1. Starting and leaving personnel processes:
    - Personnel who are transferred to our institution apply to our unit with the salary transfer certificate they received from the institution they left. Personnel information form, orientation form, identity card request form, personnel confidentiality agreement are filled in for the incoming personnel. A photocopy of the ID card and a photograph are taken. Based on the appointment decision taken from ÇKYS, the personnel starts. The notification document signed by the personnel, the decision of appointment, the transfer certificate and the initiation letter are notified to the Yenimahalle property directorate and the 3rd region general secretariat in writing, and to the general secretariat human resources unit by e-mail. A new usage page and personal registry file are opened to the personnel from the software program of our hospital.

    - The departure decision of the personnel who will leave our institution is controlled from the ÇKYS system. After being seen in the ÇKYS system, a personnel departure notification form is given to the personnel in order to reduce their embezzlement according to their staff, and it is delivered to our unit after receiving the signature that there is no harm in leaving the relevant units. Then, based on the decision to leave the ÇKYS, the personnel leave. The signed departure notification document, the appointment decision and the departure notification form are notified to the Yenimahalle property directorate and the 3rd region general secretariat in writing, and to the general secretariat human resources unit by e-mail. The file of the departed personnel is archived to be sent to the general secretariat.

    -The starting and leaving dates of the personnel who started or left our institution and took or started unpaid leave are entered into the Kesenek Information system on the E-SGK page.
  1. Monthly shifts and schedules of the services are archived in the personnel unit.
    According to the emergency service shift lists and shift schedules collected in the Personnel Unit, the hours of emergency service administrative chief, emergency surgery, internal branch, emergency service practitioner and emergency medicine specialist are scored, and the prepared form is submitted to the Salary Trustee after it is approved.
    The monthly number of staff eating for the cafeteria is prepared according to the work schedules brought by the services and notified to the cafeteria staff.
    The monthly signature charts are distributed to the personnel and archived at the end of the month in the personnel department.
    Information collection forms prepared by service managers are collected in our unit. The forms received at the end of the month are processed by the personnel unit to the ÇKYS information collection system until the first week of the new month. Subsequently, monthly personnel movements and occupancy rates are reported to the Statistics Unit, Health Care Services Manager, Quality Unit and Training Unit.
    Every Tuesday and Thursday of the week, an address report is taken from the ÇKYS screen, and the deficiencies are corrected from the cards of the relevant personnel on the ÇKYS screen.
    The examination documents sent to the personnel assigned as the Inspector from our hospital staff are examined by the relevant investigator and the documents prepared by the sworn clerk are both placed in the examination file and sent to the institution where the examination comes from.
  2. Administrative personnel are promoted on the 14th of each month from the ÇKYS promotion screen and the decision is printed out. After these decisions are approved, a copy of each is sent to the Salary Trustee in writing. One copy of each is removed to the personal registry files.
    The promotions of the Healthcare personnel made by the Public Hospitals Institution are checked on the last status screen of the ÇKYS on the 14th of each month and filled in the promotion form prepared by our Unit, and a copy of it is notified in writing to the salary trustee after the approval of the Management authority. One copy of each is kept in the personal registry file of the relevant personnel.
    Lists are prepared and delivered to the training unit so that the personnel working as a candidate officer in our hospital can receive candidate officer training. The nobility proposals of the personnel who have successfully completed their training and exams are notified in writing to the General Secretariat of the 3rd Region.
    The documents prepared by the Radiology Unit responsible and Salary Trustee regarding the actual service increase payments of the personnel working under the command of the Radiology Unit of our hospital are notified to the 3rd Region General Secretariat with a cover letter.
    While working at our hospital's disposal, a bail bond belonging to the personnel assigned to another institution for training purposes and to return to our hospital at the end of the training is prepared and signed, and sent in writing to the Salary Trustee and the 3rd Region General Secretariat.
  3. In order to be combined with the existing services of the services of the personnel working under the command of our hospital, they are reported to the 3rd Region General Secretariat together with the documents received from the institutions they work and their petitions.
    At the end of each year, the contracts of the personnel working in the status of 4/B and 4924 contracted personnel at the disposal of our hospital are renewed and signed, and the contracts are sent in writing to the Yenimahalle Property Directorate and the 3rd Region General Secretariat.
    All kinds of work and duties to be given by the Hospital Senior Management.

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15 Aralık 2022