In accordance with the “Regulation on Ensuring Patient and Employee Safety” published in the Official Gazette dated 6.04.2011 and numbered 27897 and the “Circular on Ensuring Employee Safety” dated 14.05.2012 and numbered 2012 / 23; “Employee Rights and Employees” in our hospital in order to ensure the sustainability of a safe working environment with in-service trainings and to provide a safe environment and to provide service in a safe environment with high motivation, to increase the quality of service delivery, to identify possible risks for our employees and to determine the appropriate methods and techniques to eliminate these risks. Security Unit” was established.
As the Employee Rights and Safety Unit;
1- To accept verbal or written complaints, wishes and suggestions of the working personnel
2- Reporting the applications
3- To initiate the necessary regulatory and preventive actions and to provide feedback to applicants.
4- Following the white code notifications
5- To follow the developments and studies on employee rights and safety
7- To submit a monthly report to the chief physician
8- To provide psycho-social support to the health worker who has been subjected to violence upon request,
It is among our duties.
1- The health worker who has been exposed to physical or verbal violence should start the process by calling 1111 and making a "white code" report.
2- If any violent incident occurred during working hours, it can inform the Employee Rights and Safety Unit and/or the deputy chief physician responsible for code white enforcement, and the on-duty clinic chief if out of working hours. Simultaneously, regardless of whether the health worker has a complaint or not, the legal authorities and the legal unit of the institution (Provincial Health Directorate) are notified by the relevant deputy chief physician and the Employee Rights and Safety Unit.
3- The health worker who has been exposed to verbal or verbal violence can personally contact the Code hotline on, which is established within the Ministry of Health and provides uninterrupted service 24/7, or by filling out the internet “Notification Form 1”. You can inform the ministry about the incident at tr.