About the Clinic
19 Aralık 2022


Polyclinic service is provided between 08:30 and 16:30 in our hospital. In outpatient services, our patients are given the right to choose a physician.

Internal medicine is a branch of medicine; Also known as internal medicine. It deals with human digestive system, kidney, heart, lung, blood diseases, internal diagnosis and treatment of cancer, rheumatic, hormonal and allergic diseases, health and diseases of the elderly patient group. In the light of developing new technology and science, the Department of Internal Diseases has also started to be divided into sub-branches.

Internal medicine, which is called internal diseases among the people, acts as a guide for those who have health problems because it is a comprehensive science. The examinations are usually initiated by this clinic and diagnosed, depending on the condition of the disease, either the unit is treated or the patient is referred to a higher branch.
Outpatient and inpatient treatments of general internal diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, upper and lower respiratory tract diseases, gastrointestinal system diseases, liver diseases, kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, diabetes, obesity, rheumatic diseases, blood diseases, internal medicine Consultations (including pre-operative evaluations) requested from external units, follow-up, care and treatment of patients who require intensive care treatment are carried out in the Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit.